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Old 05-22-2011, 11:38 AM   #4772 (permalink)
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Actually, I'm the spanish dessert (the flan). hahaha. Well, I tested the circuit for the isolated DC-DC, and I made a booboo with the design. I was talking with Flan about it (or was it Fran?), maybe I'm just hungry... He explained why I was only getting half the voltage on the output side. Man, I'm such a stinker sometimes. Also, the 555 timer is a piece of crap. You can't do 50% duty, so I discovered, so I'm switching to an ATTiny for doing the 50% duty pulses. yay! It will work this time! First try, 50% of the way there, 2nd try, 100%!!! hahaha. I found an ATTiny that's like $1.20. That's cheap, man! dang! fo' sheezee feta cheezee.
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