Thread: e-bike update
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Old 05-07-2008, 10:31 PM   #29 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by caledondave View Post
Hi All,

I also just purchased a conversion kit. It is a 407 crystalite motor, 36 volt x 8 amp NiCad battery pack, 36 volt contoller (does not require you to peddle first), on board computer, twist throttle, etc. It is on my old Schwinn Mesa mountain bike which is outfitted with 26" x 2" wide semi-slicks (virtually smooth), but with knobs on the side for gripping softer surfaces.

It should be faster but alas the rider is a true Clydesdale running at 260# and with tons of wind resistance (I'm 6'8" tall).

Anyway I drove it to work the other day (14 km one way) on the paved park system trails and found that the "fuel economy" was around 4 watts per km. This was when I was peddling most of the time and using the motor to assist me in climbing the hills. My average speed was quite high ~ 24 km and I was moving at a fairly high gear (3 x 7). I wonder how this stacks up and what kind of "mpg" equivalent I am getting? Does anyone have that formula available?

Caledondave welcome to the site. I see Metro answered this in another post. It's best not to cross post because it gets confusing. Have fun with the bike.
"Judge a person by their questions rather than their answers."

Last edited by Lazarus; 05-08-2008 at 10:36 AM..
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