Thread: Engine load
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Old 05-31-2011, 12:28 AM   #20 (permalink)
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MAP = Baro - intake vacuum

MAP = ambient Baro - intake vacuum
MAP = Manifold Absolute Pressure

MAP and
Intake vacuum

are NOT as useful as
Calculated load or Engine Load

systems that are speed density systems (that use MAP sensors) still have a flow PID
a MAF value even though it is calculated not measured -

OBD 2 generic has a MAF PID even when the system is a speed density

the PID is there , the scan tool may or may not see it , the scan tools you have referred to so far are tinker toys and should NOT be used by anyone serious about doing this kind of thing
this scan tool OBD-2 Vehicle Explorer Scan Tool Browser is not a tinker toy and it costs LESS then
scan gauge 2
i do not own one nor do i have any thing at all to do with alex pepper
yet if i was beginning , that would be my first scan tool

Calculated Load or ENGINE LOAD can be used to determine how well or poorly your modification really works , repeat conditions and note change in Calculated Load , graphing is better
at WOT wide open throttle
calculated load on an NA engine should reach 100% it never does , but it should be close - modifications that restrict flow and output will show in max available calculated load , like the image above
60% calculated load would be an UN improvement , a failure , but you do not have to guess - you can test .

Measuring intake vacuum at hot idle is another way to test flow
the higher intake vacuum is at idle , the better the engine flows , 20" on most engines is "good" test your own engine to see .
turn on hi beams , watch vacuum drop , turn on AC , watch vacuum drop -

intake vacuum is NOT an accurate way to predict LOAD OR Fuel consumption at a certain load or rpm .
Calculated Load is
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