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Old 06-01-2011, 03:16 PM   #382 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Arragonis View Post
We have been known to bring tea bags with us when we visit the colonies.
Tea bags? Thought that was sacrilege...

In simple terms, there is a British Standard (like IEEE) standard on how to make proper tea, we put it into boiling water, let it brew and then filter out the bits. I'm confused as to how this is more cruel than making chinese or japanese tea...
Yet somehow you manage to turn it into a foul & bitter brew...

Its a personal preference, some people do, some don't - just like some take coffee with milk or cream and some don't.
Different thing entirely. I'd liken it more to putting milk in beer - just the thought makes me want to gag.

Anyway, at least we have proper cheeses, not just a generic nationwide brand...
You think the US doesn't have proper cheeses? Just because some fraction (admittedly not a small one :-() lacks taste, and chooses that horrible processed stuff instead?
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