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Old 06-06-2011, 01:19 AM   #56 (permalink)
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The upper grill leads to the radiator and condenser. I didn't do any scientific testing, but when I had the foam blocks out for a week or two, the intake temp seemed lower, so it must do something. I'm not too worried about it overheating. I have an alarm on the ultragauge that goes off at 210F, so I know to pay more attention to it and make sure it doesn't get too high.

I'm thinking it must be the gas that is hurting my mileage compared to Utah. The next time I have to do a trip of considerable length, I'm going to try not using the Ultragauge to adjust my driving and just drive like I did before I had it. I might be putting too much faith into it. And yes, ethanol is terrible in its current implementation.

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