Is your gauge calibrated properly yet? If so, at about what speeds does your DFCO kick in when you coast?
That is important for me while driving around St Louis. My automatic Vibe tends to have fuel cutoff from about 38-65 mph (ScanGauge shows 9999 mpg). So, I try to drive on roads with speed limits of at least 40mph.
I don't put my car in neutral very much, except at long stop lights.
I also make sure to use MAX AC, which recirculates already cooler air. The cabin air cools faster, so I can turn the AC back off more often.
Good luck!
When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe. John Muir
"Price is what the person pays. Cost is what society pays, here, now, elsewhere and into the future." Natural Capitalism