Thanks aerohead!
Originally Posted by aerohead
* If the CIVIC backlight is steeper than the 'Template' it must have separation.The spoiler is a palliative to help with re-attachment and restoration of laminar flow of the outer flow field 'jumping' over the created locked-vortex of the spoiler....
Is this similar to the Mythbusters pickup truck with the tailgate up, where a vortex is set up in the bed and the airflow skips over it almost as if there were a cover over the bed?
Assuming the spoiler's back edge is positioned at the template line, restoration of laminar flow would be brief at best. Would occur only at the spoiler edge. Is there value to that restoration? Would it somehow tend to restore the airflow to the ideal path and result in a smaller cross section of wake?
And - if the spoiler is positioned lower or a bit further forward so that it doesn't reach the template line, would it still "catch" the air flow and give a smaller wake? Or would it just be a mess of turbulence due to not being on the template?
Green lines show how mirror would see spoiler's edge. I drew two lines, not knowing precisely where the mirror is.