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Old 06-15-2011, 09:42 PM   #21 (permalink)
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Location: Cincinnati Ohio
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Diesel Rx-7 - '82 Mazda Rx-7 GSL

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Originally Posted by Big Dave View Post

What would really be sweet: In some parts of the country some properties have old played-out gas wells. WV, OH, and IN are full of them. Now “played-out” means commercially. Quite possibly the old well can produce enough gas to run your vehicle (and house). You can buy small prep plants (removes the hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide) and a compressor in a shipping container. A little plumbing and wiring and Bingo! Free gas! Well, not quite free, the electric motors require power.
I'd assume this falls under the same line as pumping oil from a dry field, since its never actually dry just no longer commercially feasible- Its illegal unless you buy the mineral rights from the company that owns it and they won't sell them cheap. There was a case a few years ago with a farmer in Illinois who learned that there was an abandoned oil field under his land, he paid for the oil pumping equipment and began pumping then got in big trouble when the company found out

though he was flaunting it, if you kept it on the DL i'm sure you could pull it off


82 rx7 diesel
82 300d diesel
84 b2200 diesel

All veggie, all the time!

Last edited by Odin; 06-15-2011 at 11:23 PM..
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