06-15-2011, 09:42 PM
#21 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Big Dave
What would really be sweet: In some parts of the country some properties have old played-out gas wells. WV, OH, and IN are full of them. Now “played-out” means commercially. Quite possibly the old well can produce enough gas to run your vehicle (and house). You can buy small prep plants (removes the hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide) and a compressor in a shipping container. A little plumbing and wiring and Bingo! Free gas! Well, not quite free, the electric motors require power.
I'd assume this falls under the same line as pumping oil from a dry field, since its never actually dry just no longer commercially feasible- Its illegal unless you buy the mineral rights from the company that owns it and they won't sell them cheap. There was a case a few years ago with a farmer in Illinois who learned that there was an abandoned oil field under his land, he paid for the oil pumping equipment and began pumping then got in big trouble when the company found out
though he was flaunting it, if you kept it on the DL i'm sure you could pull it off
82 rx7 diesel
82 300d diesel
84 b2200 diesel
All veggie, all the time!
Last edited by Odin; 06-15-2011 at 11:23 PM..
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06-16-2011, 01:34 AM
#22 (permalink)
live, breath, Isuzu-Ds
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no need to convert they made them for a few years
this one is a CNG Bi-Fuel meaning it runs on gas or CNG theres also a LPG Bi-Fuel
and a dedicated CNG model. the dedicated ones with the extra tank where the gas tank go near 300 miles at the mixed EPA numbers
Compare Old and New MPG Estimates
there all auto trans and 5.4L engine
1 86 T\D trooper with rare GEN 3 rods TRANS FIXED  NOW DD
1 86 4WD 5sp pup is 2.3L gas, but plan on 2.2L diesel repower
1 91 trop, long term plan is a group buy of imported Isuzu 4JB1-T 2.8L I-4 engines, hoping to get price down to 2K not 3K plus
1993 sidekick my MPG toy, epa rating 26.
i get 29/31 with stock drive train.
10-03-2011, 06:05 PM
#23 (permalink)
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I saw a demo the other day of a Technocarb dual fuel conversion on a brand new F-250 6.2L, and it worked pretty slick. The engine ECU still controls fueling through a second set of multi-port gas injectors. No fault codes, 02 sensors still doing their job. It flipped between gasoline and propane without even a hiccup. The 4-gas exhaust analyzer showed basically nothing for emissions. They make a dual fuel CNG conversion too that works just as well.
10-28-2011, 10:41 PM
#24 (permalink)
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10-29-2011, 10:11 AM
#25 (permalink)
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Propane was my fuel of choice for my X-Prize car, as it is available widely and burns clean. Fracing has been going on for decades, I worked for the Western Co in the '70s and it was "well" established then. On of the secret, "chemicals" we used was powdered dry beans. When mixed with water it caused the water to thicken and become very slippery, thereby holding more frac sand and greatly reducing the HP required for pumping. Methane digesters should be given the same tax breaks for farmers as the solar panels are, all that cow poo could be put to good use.
10-29-2011, 02:26 PM
#26 (permalink)
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I made some phone calls (keep in mind that I can only speak for North Carolina didn’t check all the states) checking on dos and don’ts and laws. For CNG cars you do not need to be a certified installer and here comes the but, it must be inspected to be sure the tank, lines, filler and safety valve are installed to meet DOT law before you can fuel up at any of the stations inspection cost $18 and can be done on site. As for LPG cars the only thing that must be done is an up to date certified tank must be used. You have two choices when going with LP buy a fork truck tank and tank straps or buy a tank for an RV and bolt it down. I live in Wilmington NC nearest CNG fueling station over 100 miles away I called the gas company they are building one here in three years government use only in five years public station should be here big maybe. As for home fueling $1,800 to have it installed “no they want let me do it myself” $46 a month charge plus gas so that’s not happening. When I called around to some of the gas places I was told no way am I fueling a car so that kills it for now. Now for LPG its every where called five places all said they would be happy to fuel me up anytime and there is even three 24hour LP stations around town.
Now my next question is do I have to change anything inside of the motor? Some are saying the exhaust valves and seats must be hardened and others say nothing has to be done so which is it??? As for timing and mixture settings that’s to be expected.
10-31-2011, 01:21 PM
#27 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Thunder
I made some phone calls (keep in mind that I can only speak for North Carolina didn’t check all the states) checking on dos and don’ts and laws. For CNG cars you do not need to be a certified installer and here comes the but, it must be inspected to be sure the tank, lines, filler and safety valve are installed to meet DOT law before you can fuel up at any of the stations inspection cost $18 and can be done on site.
Interesting, I wonder how hard it is to pass.
Originally Posted by Thunder
As for LPG cars the only thing that must be done is an up to date certified tank must be used. You have two choices when going with LP buy a fork truck tank and tank straps or buy a tank for an RV and bolt it down. I live in Wilmington NC nearest CNG fueling station over 100 miles away
As for home fueling $1,800 to have it installed “no they want let me do it myself” $46 a month charge plus gas so that’s not happening. When I called around to some of the gas places I was told no way am I fueling a car so that kills it for now. Now for LPG its every where called five places all said they would be happy to fuel me up anytime and there is even three 24hour LP stations around town.
$1800+ you need to be constantly rebuilding the darn thing. Personally I have been tempted to import and Adsorbed NG tank.
Originally Posted by Thunder
Now my next question is do I have to change anything inside of the motor? Some are saying the exhaust valves and seats must be hardened and others say nothing has to be done so which is it??? As for timing and mixture settings that’s to be expected.
Honestly most LP conversions have little if anything done to the motor, now if you want to up the compression to 22:1 thats different,
if you run a slightly older diesel you don't even need ECU mods or tuning.
Just fraction a bit into the intake and voila
10-31-2011, 03:25 PM
#28 (permalink)
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There are a few simple rules to get one to pass. The tank, straps, tank valve, fill valve and lines must be for on road use. The tank must be mounted so as not to interfere with normal operation of the vehicle and must not be in the passenger compartment (I ask what if it’s a hatch back or SUV was told to mount it in the trunk “thank god dumb looks are still free“) also must have a safety blow down line that exits below and away from the vehicle. All CNG lines must be hard lines only mounted away from exhaust, and must be mounted using rubber garments at all attachment points/pass toughs and run so as not to interfere with the operation of the vehicle. Fill valve must be mounted beyond initial impact zones (here is where I ask to define initial impact zone and was told mount it anywhere as long as its not beside the exhaust, or is sticking out past any part of the vehicle) and must be manual closing. Strange thing is they don’t inspect anything other than the tank and filler the rest there is no rules.
The $1,800 pays for the pump that you will never own because it’s a leased only item! Then they still charge a $46 a month charge just because they can. I ask about buying my own pump and that’s where it all went wrong they started telling my how unlawful it is to tamper with there line or equipment yea yea got ya. They have a company they use and that’s it.
I know a lot of car and truck makers sale them already to go. Most big cities police cars, buses, ect are run on LP and gas with nothing done, farm trucks every where and a lot of other work equipment. There’s just no data about the motors any where.
10-31-2011, 05:19 PM
#29 (permalink)
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Any diesel engine can burn CNG or propane with minimal modification to the existing engine and fuel system.
The easiest way to use CNG or propane is by diesel intake fumigation.
That is where you add a combustable vapor to a diesels intake air and replace BTUs of diesel with BTUs of far cheaper CNG BTUs.
Plus when you run low on CNG no problem, you run out and keep running on diesel just like a normal diesel engine.
These guys use diesel+propane, diesel+water-methanol or diesel+CNG:
Propane, Nitrous, & Water Meth - Diesel Place : Chevrolet and GMC Diesel Truck Forums
1984 chevy suburban, custom made 6.5L diesel turbocharged with a Garrett T76 and Holset HE351VE, 22:1 compression 13psi of intercooled boost.
1989 firebird mostly stock. Aside from the 6-speed manual trans, corvette gen 5 front brakes, 1LE drive shaft, 4th Gen disc brake fbody rear end.
2011 leaf SL, white, portable 240v CHAdeMO, trailer hitch, new batt as of 2014.
10-31-2011, 05:51 PM
#30 (permalink)
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But my cars and truck are all gas burners.