At the risk of bringing in some facts and data to this opinion thread:
The NHW11 Prius, 2001-03, has a knee in the mileage curve that makes 65 mph the optimum cruising speed. At 70 mph, it is on the cusp of a precipitous MPG drop. In contrast, the 1.5L, NHW20 Prius goes out to 85 mph before the knee in the curve shows up.
At 100 mph, the NHW20 is still getting 25 MPG and the NHW11, just 22 MPG:
There are times when one may need to cruise at 100 mph or better . . . medical emergency comes to mind or if you need to find a cop.
So Prius drivers have the option of choosing their speed for the desired MPG:
No stinkin' hypermiler pedal dancing and the stupid, lame, 'guilt trip' of their masochistic recriminations. Nothin' but free men and women using this marvelous tool, this Prius, to improve the quality of our lives (and pocket books.)
Are we driving like we're stealing?
H*LL YES, and proud of it! Did you think Al Gore's son was just a one-time thing? Or perhaps Woz just had a pedal entrapment? Love those 'runaway Prius' stories . . . "Sorry officer I couldn't get it to stop! You know how these Toyota's are about run-away."
Prius drivers are getting over every fuelish car on the road today and the worry-wart, pedal dancing, hypermilers. We really don't care what others are doing . . . they've made their bed and can live in it . . . money-sucking, gas-bugs et. al.
Bob Wilson