Originally Posted by Fat Charlie
- it just uses a computer to automatically switch between different power sources.
To be precise, the Prius has a network of computers, not just one.
Originally Posted by Fat Charlie
-It can't tow.
Does that mean I have to take off my 2" reciever? Does this mean I can't buy one for my wife's car? I don't think so. Whether or not Toyota lists a towing capability, more than a few of us do it already.
Originally Posted by Fat Charlie
-does it top out at 100 or does the chart just stop there?
I can only plot data provided. In the case of my NHW11, there was this curve rapidly approaching. As for the NHW20, it was volunteered many years ago. Many sources claim higher mph and some of us know how to tweak that up with larger diameter tires.
Originally Posted by Fat Charlie
- at the same highway speeds . . .
Ok, this is crazy as it implies the car never stops and the driver and passengers get in and out of the car like in the movie "Speed." Or does the driveway only exit onto a highway and all destinations have their parking lot on the highway.
Cherry picking' "just highway" is the latest fraud in GM/Chevy ads (and a few other vendors like VW.) Yet the vast majority of our population lives in urban and suburban environments. It is and remains a crazy claim as examination of user reported mileage at
www.fueleconomy.gov shows.
Originally Posted by Fat Charlie
-For a lot of those people, the Prius just isn't the right choice of car.
Absent names of Prius owners who concur and some engineering data, this is either crazy or hubris. Pick your poison.
Bob Wilson