Thanks for the ideas Larry. I looked around today and located two bumper bolts, but unfortunately their location is not favorable to an air dam. I like your idea for a 2 piece design, especially after having read about air dams that have caused problems in the snow.
Originally Posted by Big Dave
Might be the easiest thing to do is raid a junk yard for parts you could drill and not be heartbroken.
You might be right. I called around, but since 04 is the earliest Canyon year, it's hard to find the 'lower deflector' part. I am researching if the same part has been used on earlier model GM's. It's a $50 part, so a modest 1mpg gain would take about 8k to recoup the savings at current prices.
If the above works out, I think I'll add 3" height of black coroplast (or white painted with Krylon plastic flat black) to the front. A few small bolts would do it. Front diff at 7.5", revised air dam at 7". Seems about right. Maybe lower.
If this works, I'll post pics and results.
It would probably end up looking something like this: