Originally Posted by Joenavy85
and in most states if you brake and they hit you, they're at fault. Just ask the moron in his rice rocket civis that met the trailer hitch on my Jeep.
NOTE: I'm in no way condoning the practice of brake-checking.
Yes, they are at fault. It's called tailgating, and it's unsafe as well as illegal.
If you are tailgating and you rear end someone, it is because you are traveling too damn close to them to be able to stop. And in that case you are not in control of your vehicle, which the law says is your obligation.
If you don't like being brake-checked, don't tailgate.
Personally, I don't like drivers who seem to brake for hallucinations. But usually there are warning signs from their driving behavior that they are on a trip other than a vehicular one, and they need to be avoided.