I'm still here... just very busy.
Anyway, I installed the aerocap last Tuesday, and have been able to quantify some rather impressive gains. My test "track" is my return commute, since I can keep a fairly constant speed over the vast majority of the track due to the fact I encounter very light traffic at around 1:00 am.
Milepost - old consumed (FE) - new consumed (FE) - change
3.3 -
____ 0.25 (13.2 MPG) -
__ 0.20 (16.5 MPG) -
___ 20.0% improvement
8.9 -
____ 0.50 (17.8 MPG) -
__ 0.43 (20.7 MPG) -
___ 14.0% improvement
42.7 -
___ 2.25 (19.0 MPG) -
__ 2.09 (20.4 MPG) -
____ 7.1% improvement
52.2 -
___ 2.75 (19.0 MPG) -
__ 2.56 (20.4 MPG) -
____ 6.9% improvement
58.0 -
___ 3.00 (19.3 MPG) -
__ 2.80 (20.7 MPG) -
____ 6.7% improvement
59.2 -
___ 3.15 (18.8 MPG) -
__ 2.89 (20.5 MPG) -
____ 8.3% improvement
Here are some more pictures of the build. I'll try to get pictures of the completed cap on here tomorrow.
Pictures taken 06 June 2011:
Pictures taken 13 June 2011:
Pictures taken 20 June 2011: