Originally Posted by Old Tele man
"Welcome Aboard" ...nice word play: "Catch-22" = "Kach22"?
Yes, some word play at different levels and layers, which is often how I look at problems.
kach = kachadoorian (my last name)
22 = birthdate
i = me
And like you pointed out sort of matches the famous book and movie title which represents the concept that you have to be crazy to get out of a crazy situation. And aren't we all a little crazy? Or at least a little hypocritical at times and with our reasoning?
Example; when I worked at a large architecture firm about 12 years ago, I told my cube-mate and fellow architect that no two architects can ever seem to agree with each other. Without thinking he said; that's not true at all...................hence proving my point. It was my definition of a catch or kach 22 moment.