I stop for stop signs. Maybe not absolutely completely but I "stop". I fully stop for traffic lights.
I also stop fully for "right on red" at traffic lights. In my state it's "Right on red AFTER STOP" but I see people cruise through those right-on-reds at all speeds including at full speed.
Just yesterday I was accelerating from a stop,through a light that had just turned green, and a car blew straight through the intersection crossing my path, against his own red light. (Not right on red.) I had to hit the brakes hard or one of us would have broadsided the other. I admit this story is a bit off topic for the thread but this kind of stuff WILL happen occasionally, and if you drive enough hours there's a reasonable chance it will happen to you one day. So please, be careful!
If we'd collided, the other driver would have been at fault, but my day and night would have been ruined, at a minimum. It's important to be watchful for any potential hazards.
Coast long and prosper.
Driving '00 Honda Insight, acquired Feb 2016.