It's been EXACTLY one month since my rant about the rooster waking me up.
For about the last three weeks, he has stayed at least 70 yards away, so the situation became more tolerable!
Only 3-4 days ago; the coveniance store clerk was still mimicing the rooster, but I've turned soft, and have done a great job of just trying to ignore the whole issue. The slingshot has yet to come out of its shipping wrapper.
The 2nd rooster has been gone for quite some time now; and for about the last 24 hrs; I've been almost holding my breath daring to believe.............Now that I think it's really true; I dare to share!!!!...................
I live in a rural setting, outside the nearest town limits. That means for the 4th of July; almost any thing goes! I heard all the normal M-80's, rifle shots, and all conventional fireworks here that anyone could imagine!!
Apparently, that noise caused Roostie to run away, maybe he got scared and ran into the road and is no more....maybe he got shot, or died of a heart attack. I don't know anything except for 2 mornings now in a row; I hear NO ROOSTER SOUNDS; not even the the one he called/answered to some 4 houses away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel like DANCING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!