"LOG" is the combined-technique regimen of: Pulse & Glide (P&G) with Engine off Coasting (EOC) and Driving with Load (DWL). "L" for load, "O" for off, and "G" for glide. It is not to be confused with "GLEN," which stands for the regimen of glide, load, and engine neutral. As I have been re-learning to drive these last few months, I discovered what many of you know: that these are ideally sequenced and combined techniques. Giving it a name seems like a good teaching tool for newbies.
The base is the Pulse and Glide technique. The pulse is by driving with load. On my Civic I set throttle at around 22% seeking 70-80% load, usually descending from 80% to 70%, shifting at 70 (often at or near 2500 RPMs when I shift). The glide I do engine off ("LOG") or on and in neutral ("GLEN").
Sharpening this technique has me up at 62 mpg so far (after adjusting for probable Ultra Gauge over-estimation).
EDIT: I added throttle position target and the explanation of the LOG acronym. Forgot those pieces.