Originally Posted by glider
Every morning, instead of driving down a street perpendicular to the(two lane) main drag, and waiting to make a LEFT turn to the coffee shop across the street to the LEFT of the intersection, I drive down to the next perpendicular street,(now I'm across the street from the coffee shop, which is now on my RIGHT), now I only have to wait for a break in the right travel lane, turn right, then LEFT into the store...saves a ton of gas waiting for a break across two lanes of traffic...hope this helps....Peace,Glider 
If you have money to buy coffee every morning in a coffee shop, you have money for the tiny amount of gas consumed while idling, waiting to turn left. And please don't tell us you are saving the planet in not doing it.
Mr. Pancake wrote:
Turn your engine off while you're waiting to turn left and then you won't have to do any of that other nonsense.
So simple, so effective, and so true.