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Old 07-09-2011, 12:25 PM   #95 (permalink)
n00b.... sortof..
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Originally Posted by Sidakers View Post
just keeps rising they want to point fingers at the government, at the oil companies, and the gas stations, at the car companies, but never at themselves.
well, according to several things Ive read, we actually can blame the oil companies, they have been raising the price of oil consistently over the past few years for no reason other than they know the demand is there and that we have no choice but to pay it.
I mean, think of it in the terms of what I posted above about Venezuela, according to a report I read on they are paying less than a dollar a gallon over there, because they have easy access to the oil.
if we had something feasible that could compete with the oil companies, you would see prices on oil plummet pretty darn quickly Im betting, not to mention a severe drop in terrorist activities across the globe since more than 1/2 their funding options would be gone.

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