Originally Posted by UFO
Not necessarily. Lots of people drive excessive miles for many reasons and do not get far from home.
"Excessive" miles is not the issue with regard to that finding. It is rather suggested that people tend to get more complacent as they get closer to their house.
Progressive Insurance found that 77% of their policyholders had an accident within 15 miles of their house, and 51% were within 5 miles of their home. Furthermore, the NTHSA found that about 80% of accidents were caused mainly by distracted or inattentive driving of some sort.
Originally Posted by UFO
It seems like a no-brainer to me, more time on the road, more chance to bump something.
By that logic, I should have "bumped something" when I completed a round trip through the US, or when I drove from Italy to Hungary and back, or when I drive between Germany and France through Belgium, or even now on my 59 mile daily commute.