Though my Dad turned 86 today, the typical work day week situation caused my brother, and I to celebrate it w him yesterday.
Our rollercoaster summer weather here ( it rained most of yesterday) caused us to go to plan C of how to entertain him for the day.
We went to the Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum near McMinnville, OR.
My Dad had never been before, so it was great!
The SPRUCE GOOSE is there, which my Dad had previously seen down in CA.
Anyway, I saw a couple of nice small KIT planes. One was referred to as a favorite as that company claimed a 90% customer completion rate. I have no idea how expensive these kits would have been to buy. I wonder in current times, as in car regulations, if new kits are even legal anymore!
Last yr., Bro, and I gave the present of a glider ride for Dad. This yr., one option for him to chew on is a possible Hot air Balloon ride.
I learned last year, that there is a wonderful glider that can be bought w an electric motor so it can take off w/o a tow, and therefore in a slightly close quartered way, similar to motorcycle baggage capacities; could in theory make cross country trips.
Sounds great until you hear a six figure price.
Are any of you out there Airo-Modders????
I guess for about $4000.00, I could get a SINGLE person ultralite which I am told; because its a 1 person, no pilot's license is required.
Anyone with experience with any of this????
I'd love to find a cheaper glider type motor (only for takeoffs or emergencies) airplane w like a small motorcycle, or other small eng. to be built in kit form? or from scratch . Could you imagine how much fun it would be do to accomplish something like that on the same budget level one would have for aero modding a '92-94 Metro, and have it all legal?????????????