Thread: 1L Car
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Old 05-12-2008, 08:21 AM   #13 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by .Cd View Post
Greenpeace nuts ?

I take offence to that statement.

Let's stay on topic here and not trade personal opinions like that shall we ?
Fair enough.

Most Greenpeace supporters are fine, I didn't mean to say that all of them are nuts, far from it. But the vanguard of extremists in Greenpeace that want people to live on organic farms, ride bicycles and use 100 watts of power are a real problem for the group.

And their stance on nuclear power is downright nutty. A lot of their supporters are simply poorly informed, their knowledge of the subject comes more from Jane Fonda and the China Syndrome. Nothing against them. Being mis-informed isn't a character defect at all, especially given the amount of misinformation out there. But stubbornly refusing to change ones stance when presented with contrary evidence is.

But consistently standing in the way of nuclear power in the name of faux alternatives like solar and wind, which has resulted in 120 coal fired power plants currently being built in the US when you pretend to be an environmental organization, that's nutty!

(The coal industry actually tacitly supports the development of "renewable" sources, because they know they have no potential to put a single coal worker out of the job. Unlike nuclear, ironically, the Australian coal industry has openly admitted this!),00.html

Also I was thinking, if we develop super capacitors in the future, then cars like this won't be popular anymore. They really only make sense if your energy source is extremely expensive, otherwise people will want bigger stuff. Hopefully our children (or grand children) will see this and think "What a silly little car!"
I put the animated icon together in Photoshop, feel free to use it if you like!

Last edited by hvatum; 05-12-2008 at 08:35 AM..
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