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Old 07-25-2011, 02:25 PM   #11 (permalink)
gone-ot walking...
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Thanked 1,525 Times in 1,126 Posts USA, diesel fuel currently costs about 10-15% more than gasoline per gallon. europe, however, it's the other way around, with gasoline costing LOTs more.

...I can remember not too long ago when diesel was like 89.9¢ to gasolines $1.249 price. That ratio 'flipped' after the last Oil Embargo...and, ever since, diesel fuel has been on the high-$ide, cost-wise., unless that diesel engine delivers 15% (or more) better fuel economy, it's not going to be a co$t effective vehicle, which (using the ECO Cruze FE as reference) means it had better yield at least 48-50 mpg or it'll become just another GM diesel-soaked albatross!

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