I plan way ahead and often hit the green light before comming to a complete stop. When I do have to stop and I know it's going to be 10 seconds or more, I key off. Parkinglots and neighborhoods, I admit I do California stop. At "real" intersections in with traffic and posted speed over 25 mph I always come to a complete stop. I dive safe and when signs and speed seem rediculous for the location like a stop sign in an empty parkinglot, I push it a little. Right turn onto a one way with a red light and no cars comming?? Comming to a dead stop seems excessive and pointless and most other drivers see it the same. Comming to a stop will just waste everyones time. I treat it as more of a yeild in those special cases. It's a case by case and day by day.
Best bet, plan your rout for minimum right turns to minimize the time you are "dead in the water" or forced to idle waiting for a gap to make a left. Use major roads that don't have a stop sign every block and learn to aviod intersctions/lanes with poorly timed lights.
Best 15-mile commute city/highway mix: 37.7 mpg
Best tank so far: 31 mpg
Last edited by graydonengineering; 07-26-2011 at 02:31 PM..