Latest progress & photos
'been working out details on the mechanisms.
*I've done the 'easy' forward bellypan section for the drivers side.The upper side of the pans will double as the runways for the trailing roller supports of the side-panel frames.
*The pans will require cantilever support.I will use aluminum angle underneath which will appear as a flow fence,although fences would not be necessary.
*I moved the trailer outside to attempt better photos.
The series of images reflect the trailer going through a full jack-knife range of motion.
*The lazy-C frame,to which swing-panel frames are attached is always parallel to the integrator frame on the back of the truck.When you look at the C-frame orientation,it is mimicking the integrator.
* I've left out the 2nd degree of articulation at the C-frame as depicted in the Prius trailer thread.Tongue weight is growing steadily and I'm going to omit any feature which isn't 'mission critical' to aerodynamics.
*The last series of shots are of the bogey and roller which travel the prismatic face of the trailer.
* When I get the pan on the passenger side I can work out the roller support.
* The passenger side pan will require a trap-door for the landing gear to rotate and fall through when the trailer is de-hitched.
* The integrator itself will require articulated panels to deal with pitch and roll.
*This morning I purchased the aluminum for the second forward pan and 5/8ths square tubing for the panel frames,along with some more steel pre-forms.
* If time avails itself I will race-drill all the frames to add lightness.
*Plenty ahead of me!