I would love seeing an E0 pump at my local station..
I use StaBil in my 5 gallon cans, and it seems to work okay.
No sure if it would be any good for preventing Ethanol damage. That new machine wasn't cheap..
But, I'm wondering why old 1978 snow blower carb leaks so much gas these days.
Maybe I used some bad gas in it.?.
I'm not 100% Retired, once in a while, they call me in to work on some project that requires my expertise.
I worked a couple of weeks back in the spring.. Can't say I've missed working this summer.
I've been able to do some bike riding this year and I've even lost about 25 pounds of fat..
Not working is good for my health.. (One reason I retired early)..
The only bad side effect (of getting healthy) was my heart rate slowed way down.. 45 BPM.
Now, I'm trying some new high BP meds and doing better.