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Old 08-10-2011, 03:50 AM   #19 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Colorado
Posts: 28

'Stache Builder - '92 Honda Civic VX
90 day: 42.58 mpg (US)

White Dwarf - '09 Mazda 5
90 day: 28.87 mpg (US)
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Backfiring while coasting can also indicate an air leak in the exhaust. If your exhaust manifold is cracked, it will fool the O2 sensors into making your truck run richer. If it's not quite bad enough, it will not set a system too lean code.

As for the EVAP code, check your gas cap first. Always click it, and make sure the gasket is in good shape. This code IS for a circuit problem, but it could also just mean the system is unable to maintain or achieve vacuum during the test. If your vent solenoid has failed, this does not mean you are venting to atmosphere. But, depending on how it runs the test, you could have a leak to atmosphere in the tank. Check the gas cap! You said it came on soon after you filled with premium right?

The timing actually is adjustable on your truck. If you need the procedure, PM me.
1992 Civic VX

Last edited by Hatchtastic; 08-10-2011 at 04:27 AM..
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