Originally Posted by BarelyAWake
Here's it's measurements BTW;
wheelbase (contact patches) 4'6"L x 32"W
8' LOA x 3'W x 3'T (top of helmet rest)
Add in some factors like difficulty in entering/exiting, visibility concerns...
Mine was 9' long with the full fairing since I have a hub motor, and no frame extension, 40" wide, and 3' high with the roof on from 2005 t0 2010, then I took the top off then removed the shell in 2011. Amusing that you are thinking ahead (like I should have). I had to get in like a "pretzel" into a 4" off the ground floorboard into a 2' long open door. Couldn't see behind me with the top on (whale tail was also a headrest).
What "ruined" it was speed. I went my top speed downhill; then aerodynamics and gravity took over. Climbed right out of safe control. Way too fast! When I stopped - I dismantled the trike the next day. Scared me!
The rebuilt trike top speed is nowhere near what it was; but that is fine with me! I do not care for those orange flags, but that 2 tone 'Be Seen' flag is good enough!