Originally Posted by JohnnyGrey
When I hear of people getting kicked out of their McMansions, having their Bimmers repoed, whining at the pump, running from creditors, I'm cheering inside. All you morons deserve what you get because you refuse to live within your means. In addition, because you're loose cannons with easy credit, people who would have legitimately have been able to afford a house, now can't. Let the blood run in the streets I say! I should have 20% down on a decent pad by then.
You make a good argument, but I don' think it's necessarily a good thing to revel in people's misfortunes. I don't know who the poorer sucker is, the one dealing with bad credit or the one needing to fill his ego by saying "I was right."
Don't get me wrong, I don't mean this as a personal attack. In all honesty, I feel almost exactly the same way, but I can't help but feel a little guilty for taking pleasure in someone else's pain. It's just unfortunate that people act the way they do.
If you live at 99% of your means, you'll always be ahead. If you live at 101% of your means, you'll always be in debt. So simple, yet so evasive...
- LostCause