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Old 08-19-2011, 11:50 PM   #1 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Craig Vetter Quote...

Interesting quote from Craig Vetter about "riding style" on the last Craig Vetter Fuel Economy Challenge -

Bottom of this page: 2011 Craig Vetter Fuel Economy Challenge rules discussion

"Speaking of the way we really drive...

Rumor has it that one (or more) of the Challengers exhibited an usual (I believe he meant unusual) riding style. I don't know if there is an official name for it but it is best described as follows:
"Speed up and coast. Speed up and coast. Speed up and coast...."

Apparently, this technique is known to produce superior fuel mileage. But is it the way we really drive?

I don't think so.

Would you drive your car this way with your family?

Would you drive this way with a Highway Patrolman right behind you?

I don't think so.

Who'd have thought this might be an issue?

Effective immediately, no more "speed up and coast" style driving.

Isn't it surprising that one of the largest supporters of high mileage cycles isn't familiar with, and doesn't approve of, the Pulse and Glide technique?

How could Matsu achieve 470 MPG back in the 80s without it? He even disassembled the trans to add a neutral available from top gear.

I don't get it...


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