Last count I had twelve P07 ECUs on hand. While they can be modified there has been no actual development on them, so they are effectively paperweights. I drop the OBD1 ECU plugs off of them and use them to make pass-through harnesses for various reasons.
Any of the OBD1 Civic/Integra ECUs, except the VX/P07, can be used with any of the common aftermarket enthusiast widebands to make a leanburn system.
JohnnyGrey, I understand you like your AEM UEGO and are excited about it. I understand you identify the AEM brand name with quality. I would advise you, however, not to recommend the AEM UEGO to anyone in the future; I have seen multiple AEM units that were as much as a point +/- out of calibration with 2-3 other widebands connected to the same vehicle. They aren't a good product. FYI, best bang for the buck is the NGK AFX followed by either Innovate (robust, programmable, a little finicky and requires free air recalibration on occaision) or PLX (dead nuts simple).
Also, I have had variable results out of the Techedge products in the past, and having to ship the wideband off to OZ to be warrantied is annoying. I currently have a 2A0, needs the SMT DAC replaced, and a 2C0, used once and then it died still looks brand new, if anyone wants to buy a DIY project...