Originally Posted by LUVMY02CREW
Nice find..
I was kind of surprised when the article said "The F-250’s drivetrain and transmission were stock." At that speed I would have thought those woulda had some upgrades also.
Well, I'd expect they either chose a truck with the highest gears in the rear end or swapped those out too, but I could see the tranny being stock.
However, (as is often the case) the article doesn't seem very well written. One thing to keep in mind is that you make two passes to set a record and your time is averaged. They set the B/DT record at 169.331mph (beating a previous 166.850). This requires diesel fuel. To the best of my knowledge, there is no biodiesel class, so I tried to find what class they ran and can't find any additional records set by them on the SCTA-BNI web page. I'm guessing their second "record" is some unofficial record somewhere that they did on a timed only run to use for bragging rights for Ford.
That's still pretty impressive, but not up to the hype of that article.