Originally Posted by euromodder
Don't do so unless she's happy about learning to drive more efficiently.
Funnily enough we do chat about that a fair bit- she's keen to spend as little on fuel as possible, and realises that her use of the car has an effect on consumption (as CigaR007 suggests)
So much so, I've noticed her recently shifting into neutral as we approach slowing traffic..I just need to help her make the link to DFCO as a more effective way of "braking"
Slowing down - and then keeping up the pace .
Looking further ahead / anticipating traffic.
Engine braking when braking is required.
I'm slowly getting her used to the idea of staying in the Left lane ("slow" lane) unless overtaking, and hinting that boosting to 70mph to then brake to 50 is not a plan-better either sit at 60, or p&g..
Her roadcraft (obstical identification etc) is pretty good- just needs to start seeing hills as the enemy!
thanks for the tips folks..
Tomorrow I should have a benchmark average MPG for the trip to work/back, so may have something tp start with..