Originally Posted by aerohead
I'm nearly finished with the 'head-work' for the gap-filler panel super-structure.
I have some pre-oad spring tension issues and reinforcements to address and then she'll be ready for demolition-derby destruction road testing.
I'm very pleased with all the articulations.No binding.No interference.Just needs to be strong.
After,I can finally begin to skin her.
I have a plan for the 1-wheel conversion and I've already proved the ant-tip hitch so I've still got a shot at racing her at Bonneville.
The project has been a full-time job since the end of June.I won't try and work for pay until after the trip west.
One day at a time is plenty.
Maybe some photos tomorrow.I'm way behind on photos!
My brain is too cooked to follow most of the descriptions right now but it sounds like you're making good progress. Sounds like you're close to the fun part which is testing it out. Good job hanging in there.