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Old 09-03-2011, 04:08 PM   #196 (permalink)
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There's been plenty of 'destruction' in the road-testing,all torsion,or roll related.
I've lost enough time now that racing the trailer is completely off the table.Wah!
I had to go to a hybrid tensioning system for the side panel frames.Springs over-extended,stretched.
I added a cable/pulley/dumbwaiter-weight system with pulleys robbed from the gyro-copter and Bonanza and lead ballast from the Soap-Box Derby car,with the weights running inside vintage roof gutter downspout elevator shafts.It works the best of anything I've tried,with panels hugging the trailer sides,even under high centrifugal loads.
Tomorrow I do all the final welding,then de-rusting,etching primer,and paint.I'll fabricate body skins in meantime and be ready to attach when frames are ready.
All the 2009 'crash' damage remains.
The truck will require some TLC also.
It will be surprising to finish enough of the original design before I depart on the 10th.Cubic man-hours of work!
Plan-B is to cut the 2005 boat-tail into 4-pieces,carry it suspended inside Poco-Loco,drop the trailer once at Bonneville,rejoin the tail and run with that,and maybe an extension if that can happen.

I'll have the mileage data for the trailer but no more.
If the truck is still running in a year,I'll try for then with the trailer.
I'm guessing ( which I suck at ) that it will take two more months to complete the trailer.I've worked 6-day weeks since the end of June,with no time off except here for EcoModder.
I did get my membership materials from Utah Salt Flats Racing Assoc. and went ahead and spent another $ 237.00 on additional safety gear.
I'll keep chipping away at it 'til the clock runs out Friday.
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