Good points there francm, some also what I havent yet checked like wheel angliments
. Neste green diesel is biodiesel IMO.
However I know that this car can be driven under two liters easily. Factory claim for two liters is about 65 km/h. If you use hypermiling technigues you can make it about 70 kmh. But to be able to run on two liters at 100 km/h is a another case. I dont have the patience or the time to drive that slow. At the moment I calculate what my savings are on my salary, free time etc...
There are still lots of mods to do, but these I did recently:
- 145/80R14 bridgestone B381 ecopia tires (weigth 4.8 kg per piece). Rim was lighter
- egr mod
- Redline MTL 70W80 gearbox oils
- Painted half of the car
- intercooler off.
What comes to intercooler off, temps are now with steady throttle and no grill block at the moment:
80 kmh = 40 celsius
100kmh = 48 celsius
120kmh = 70 celsius
Outside temperature 13 celsius and wet.
Boost lag is gone. If you try to drive with hypermiling techigues you can take off -10 celsius of those figures. Also CAI is not done yet. Also I think the car accelerates faster.