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Old 09-18-2011, 09:03 PM   #76 (permalink)
Stick your neck out...
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I can't speak for much of the UK population but I believe FE is a higher priority now than at any other time. There is general resentment of the high fuel prices, not just the "raw" dollar-per-barrel price but the punitive taxation rates that apply to most transport fuels across europe. Even though most of us recognise that this has driven FE, which it hasn't done in the states, we all want cheaper fuel.
There are some "promotional events" such as the eco-rally but these are more for "new technology" demonstration. A true contest (such as your own) would be well recieved, as we are not short of mad inventors in Britian.

I understand your point about making things relevant. Some years ago I was fortunate enough to try a vehicle in the Shell Eco Marathon held at Rockingham Motor Speedway, the same one also tried by Michael Schumacher. The contest was superbly organised with precise regulation, but it lacked "soul" and relevance to our daily lives.

Keep up the effort, I'm sure you know that criticism comes with the territory!
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