Originally Posted by MetroMPG
The biggest danger in following too closely isn't necessarily the stopping distance in front of you (assuming you're not napping at the wheel).
Following too closely makes you a reactive driver, instead of a driver that anticipates based on what is happening down the road. It's even more true if you're following a big vehicle that you can't see past.
When you're too close or can't see, you're more at risk of being run into by the driver behind you because you have to brake as hard and as fast as the vehicle in front.
I'd rather use a big safety cushion in front to absorb changes in speed more gradually, and give the tailgaiters behind more time to aviod smashing into me & each other.
Very good points to consider.
Again, regarding the reaction time again, it is extremely challenging to maintain a hair-trigger on your brake for any length of time. I've done drag racing so I know how difficult it is to keep focus even for a few seconds before the tree drops. If you want to draft for more than a minute or two, I guarantee that drafter's reaction time will extend to 1 second or more. That can be deadly.