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Old 09-19-2011, 11:43 PM   #199 (permalink)
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Finally underway

I'm reporting in from a motel lobby in Santa Rosa,New Mexico.I finally left Denton late this morning.I drove 'til dark,110-miles short of Albuquerque,my first scheduled fuel stop.I've had significant wind the whole way and don't expect to learn much from the first tank.
The rig is AOK,she pulls beautifully,the wheels are still on and no other parts have gone missing.
Nothing is complete,just the pick and shovel stuff.I had 938 man-hours into her at the time I hung the tools up yesterday.I won't even guess at how much time it will take to actually 'complete' her.
Perhaps if the winds will subside,I'll get some useful quanta.

Bonneville is already history.I'll change my handle from aerohead,to Mr. Yearfromnow.
All I can do is try again for next season.It's a tough one to swallow.
I'll try and post as trip progresses.
I shoot for Utah tomorrow,and into Reno,Nevada the following day for a few days visit with family,then head for Colorado to see about Gary's Prius trailer project.
Catch you all later,aero.
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