Originally Posted by Artan
Analyze this; Did anybody ever saw a doucumentary testing two same engines one with normal oil change and the other one without oil change? Never! It is as simple as that. The best way is to test it yourself.
At the end it is not the oil that dictates the life of an engine, it is the way of driving. Cold starts, sudden acceleration while engine is still cold, wrong gear shift especially down shift on manual transmission e.g. from 4th to 3rd all the vehicle load speed will be transmitted on the transmission and engine bearings etc. On automatic transmission the down shift is completely different much lighter for the engine. Thats why engines with automatic transmission last much longer (here's another small detail to why automatic transmission engines last longer than manula transmission engines. Is it the oil or the way of driving!).
There is plenty of evidence to the contrary. Most of us have no need to turn our expensive engines into science experiments, but by all means go ahead on your own; but please be rigorous and document it so others may learn from your experience.