Originally Posted by Ryland
An Insight is next on my list of cars to get, unless I just skip driving gas cars all together and find a good way to heat an electric car in the winter.
insights are too expensive IMO. Here's what I mean by that (mathmatically): Take your old car/truck MPG, the cost of gas and your new car's MPG and you can figure out how far you have to drive your new, more FE car to for it to pay for itself. The formula can be graphed out like this:
f(x) = -( old cost per mile - new cost per mile ) x + price of new car
In my case: -($3.50/18MPG-$3.50/45MPG)x + $2,500
If you graph that and find the X intercept, or solve for X, you get about 21,552 miles. That's how many miles you'd have to drive the new FE car to make it pay for itself in fuel savings. The miles you'd have to drive would be super high for a more expensive car like the insight or if your previous car was already pretty good on gas.