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Old 05-16-2008, 03:31 AM   #19 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
What if you don't have any friends. What does it matter if some one wants to buy a car, any car. It they have the cash let em. The market will dictate what they are worth when and if they try to sell them.
I'm not sure what you're getting at. I'm all for anyone buying anything they want. However, I'm also one who encourages running the numbers to make sure what makes the most economic sense. In addition, I think it hurts the environment more to make a new hybrid car from scratch than to buy an existing efficient car.

The hypocrisy comes into play when celebrities (or anyone, for that matter) buys a brand new hybrid car to show how "green" they are. Obviously that's better than buying a gas hog, or pouring gas on the ground. However, it's not better than walking, biking, public transportation (in most cases), or even buying any one of variety of efficient used cars. Every time a celebrity buys a Prius, it's on the news, but not when they buy a bike or a used Focus, Cobalt, Civic or Corolla. If someone wants to buy a Prius or Hummer, I'll let them.

I remember years ago (1989?) when the founder of a big computer company (Cray) was riding around in an old subcompact (I believe it was a Tercel), and he had a wrist watch taped to the dash because the car didn't come with a clock. That guy is a celebrity to me - and not just because he founded a big company.

Last edited by Arminius; 05-16-2008 at 04:20 AM..
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