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Old 05-17-2008, 12:27 AM   #26 (permalink)
amateur mech. engineer
Join Date: May 2008
Location: New York City
Posts: 112

Sporty Accord - '88 Honda Accord LX-i
90 day: 23.25 mpg (US)

Dad's Camry - '01 Toyota Camry CE
90 day: 22.81 mpg (US)

Artie's Camry - '98 Toyota Camry
90 day: 37.3 mpg (US)
Thanks: 0
Thanked 17 Times in 4 Posts
top 5 maintenance items:
1) Check for normal operating temperature. Install new thermostat if too cool.
2) Set ignition timing.
3) Make sure ignition advance mechanisms work correctly.
4) Make sure fuel mixture is correct by measuring oxygen sensor output or sniffing the exhaust. Replace oxygen sensor, temp sensors, vacuum hoses, intake manifold gasket or timing belt if needed. Check air filter and choke if engine has a carburetor.
5) Check for easy rolling by pushing the vehicle with the transmission in neutral on a level surface. Inflate tires, fix brakes or adjust wheel alignment if needed.

Top 5 modifications:
1) Warm air intake
2) Grill block
3) low viscosity synthetic engine oil
4) Fuel heater connected to heater hose or radiator hose
5) Hydrogen injection with lean fuel mixture (see

top 5 driving tips:
1) Drive between 30 and 60 MPH when possible.
2) Avoid excessive braking by allowing enough following distance, slowing early for stops.
3) Accelerate gently to avoid downshifts or release of torque converter lockup.
4) Follow large trucks on the highway to reduce wind resistance.
5) Shift to neutral when descending mild hills or slowing down gradually.

My goal was to list the things that give maximum benefit for the minimum cost and effort.

Last edited by Andyman; 05-17-2008 at 12:38 AM.. Reason: clarifying a sentence
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