This is OT, but I lived over a year in my Subaru Legacy. I had an ok paying job and didn't need to live so cheap (frugal I like to call it), but I didn't have a gf at the time and I was working 13hr shifts. I really had no need for comfort or entertainment during my work week because all I did was work, eat, sleep and workout. My $8/mo 24hr. gym membership provided me with exercise and a hot shower and shave.
All of this allowed me to bank approx 90% of my take-home. I put this saved money towards some rental property and the 4 bedroom home I currently live in. I'm renting out rooms and essentially have the mortgage paid by others.
The connection to this topic is that I would park my car in the lot of an abandoned home-improvement store. I slept with my doors unlocked since I never felt in danger, and figured nobody would try to break into an occupied car (also, confrontation with thugs sounds exciting). About once every couple months an officer would knock on my window and ask what I'm doing. To which I would reply, "I was sleeping". They would proceed to ask more questions and my reply was, "this is a privately owned property, and if the owner has not asked that I leave, then I am permitted to stay. I've got work in the morning, so I bid goodnight to you officer name". To which they would reply, "goodnight".
In Oregon, one does not commit trespass until they have ignored a request to leave, or proceeded beyond a sign warning against trespass. An officer has the right to investigate anything suspicious, but that generally limits them to obtaining identifying information. Questions beyond "who are you" do not need to be answered.