Originally Posted by Tango Charlie
When did we stop going on Sunday afternoon drives as a form of relaxing entertainment? When did we lose the joy of automobile operation? I'm guessing it was around 1961, somewhere in Winsonsin (that's a seatbelt legislation allusion).
Whoooops. Sorry 'bout that rant. I'll step down from the soap box now. 
Funny thing is since I've bought this new car the girlfriend and I take joy rides all the time.. I accidentally ran a stoplight today being distracted by a joke she was telling me and netted a fresh crisp ticket. That's the first one since 2005. No worries though, I coasted through traffic without causing a scene. Good thing I know the judge and I like community service.

"May the wind always be at your back and the sun always upon your face. May the wings of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars."
~ Boston George