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Old 10-14-2011, 09:43 AM   #1 (permalink)
Burning oil to move air.
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Toyota Prius from 6.7 mi/$ to 26.1 mi/$, spanish ecotunners results

There are many ecomods available in spain. Plug-in and LifePO4 conversion, LPG fuel and termodynamics engine improvements. 3.1 €/100 km running cost are possible with 6500 € modification (6.84 €/100km if standard) that i will explain more detailled later.

spanish fuel prices (Gasolina is Petrol, Gasóleo is Diesel from oil)
Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio - Precios Carburantes
The only way to know prices of GNC, GNL or GLP is going directly to one gas station (Map of stations members of Asociación Española de Operadores de Gases Licuados de Petróleo), half price per energy unit is a good aproximation.

95 octane: 1.35 €/L, 5.11$ gal. us
98 octane: 1.48 €/L, 5.6$/g
diesel: 1.27€/L, 4.8 $/g
premium: 1.33€/L, 5.03 $/g
LPG: 0.7 €/kg
CNG/LNG: 0.49€/kg

If you think this is expensive you must to know that spain have cheap prices compared with rest of Europe where they pay +70% more (european cheapest prices excluding Andorra, Luxembourg, Livigno, Ceuta, Melilla and NO TAX or VAT exceptions) .

+8%(summer) to +16%(winter) mpg increase (spanish climate is not extreme)
Automatic translation of
Results of Automatic and progressive Ecoflaps Temperature controlled, thermal efficiency enhancer

upgraded Enginer PHEV kit Lexus, Honda Toyota, installed 4000 €, 40 km autonomy EV, first 65 km urban 2.5L/100km or 94 us mpg (suposed 25 km at 6.5 L/100km or 36 us mpg):
Kit conversin PHEV Enginer PLUS 5KW 5000 ciclos (con BMS Box), ConvierteTuHibrido
But if you want more range you can add 288Wh capacity LifeYPO4 battery adding 104€, EV range extended to 250 km (155 mi) only 9000€!, you will run 1.75€/100km (or 3.82 €/100 mi) or 26 mi/$ running only electric mode will last enough to a Taxi Driver day, maybe.
In USA you will find original Engineer PHEV (spanish upgraded version seems better)
Enginer | Prius Plugin PHEV Conversion Kit with Lithium-Ion | Hybrid
Other Enginer PHEV 4 kWh spanish installers (not 5 kWh/5000 cycles version available):
- Bcn Hybrids - Convertimos tu híbrido en un coche más eléctrico
- ZEVNA: Productos

But, what if you need a large range enough going one city to another?, i ex. between LPG stations, 2500€ LPG system (petrol or LPG selectable with two independent tanks):

- Automated translation of Ferrosite ya transforma los Toyota Prius a GLP
- LPG conversion experts (40-50% money savings, 67-100% more milles per money):
---English translation of iRCONGAS Transforma tu coche a Gas GLP y ahorra 50% combustible

A very extensive list of Cars/Engines succesful and legally converted, since 2011 only Euro2 or above petrol engines are allowed to convert to LPG in Spain (regulated European laws on LPG). if not listed there is no problem on doing conversions if your car has an ICE burning petrol 95 or 98 if: atmospheric, turbo, supercharger/compresor, otto, atkinson, any number of cylinders... I will appreciate if anyone tries converting a Miller engine (atkinson and turbo separately already converted), a TFSI (supercharged + turbo), or any multistage, biturbo ... If you read linked pdf R115 you will find big blocks american cars (It's comomn tu convert v8 on viper sr-10, escalade, F150, hummer, corvette, etc.).
Vehicle Homologated conversions by Spanish Government

Find GLP station in Spain: Mapa

- What is LPG? LPG
Alternative Fuel Vehicles
Alternative Fuels and Advanced Vehicles Data Center: Alternative Fueling Station Locator
LPG is a variable mix of propane and butane according to country, season, climate, etc.

Some nice succes histories
Toyota Prius Taxi de Barcelona a GLP | Facebook
Autosport Car-Gas:Taller de mecánica, GLP y GNC - Wall | Facebook

Some spanish Forum of Prius owners if you want to ask them
Mi Toyota Prius - Índice de subforos

Attached you will find a table of fuel cost comparison for a combination of phev, lpg, etc. in urban use, as taxi. Bcn taxi means a real taxi driven in BCN without too much care on hypermilling. In USA you have better petrol and LPG prices, better Enginer PHEV kit prices (and also you can improve the kit), LPG conversion will be a must to thing if you owned PLug-in Prius, but it's cheaper to do yourself conversion.
In spain better combination for urban use is hypermilling driving style + lpg conversion and when you drive 500.000 km you saved enough money to buy another prius... I'm wondering how much km could be done without changing batteries or having any mechanical problem (I noticed about 250.000 milles without problems but how much could be done?).

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	FuelCostsTaxiComparison.png
Views:	46
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ID:	9562  


Last edited by ausias; 10-15-2011 at 11:41 PM.. Reason: title acuracy on topic and more info added, explanations and calculations
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