Originally Posted by fidalgoman
I find it telling that it's OK to trash the planet if you're an underdeveloped economy but not if you're a mature one. Then the developed economies can purchase those same credits. Also the same people who opposed nuclear power in the past now embrace it if it's their side doing it. You can't let your cows piss in the stream but it's OK to dump millions of gallons of effluent into the bay and rivers every day. Way too subjective and self serving for my taste.
C'mon, be a good sport and don't buck the New World Order. This is all about "leveling the playing field" (read: reallocation of resources and redistribution of wealth - by political world leaders currently in power.)
The Chinese will be driving cars (in ever far greater numbers) and unemployed Americans will be walking and riding bicycles more (bicycles imported from China, perhaps?) because that will be all they can afford.
Or, as one prominent politician said, not long ago: "You can come along for the ride, but you have to sit in the back..."