Originally Posted by JasonG
Sorry, USA to Euro translation:
Brick= A vehicle with the aerodynamics of a brick, box, block. Also the nickname of the van I drive for work.
I think my car is a brick with cd=0.325, and my vans of cd = 0.35-0.365 a superbrick, but USA brick its some times a Euro Brick
Originally Posted by JasonG
Gas hogs= A vehicles the eats a lot of fuel similar to a hog/pig eating. Very low MPG.

Very low MPG = 1 / (Very high fuel consumtion)
Originally Posted by JasonG
18 wheeler= a tractor trailer truck, so named due to having 18 wheels. Also known as a class 8 truck or a semi-trailer. You may not have them over there.
Here, I think 40Tm trucks (26 Tm of Load if Aluminium semitrailer) have 10 or 12 wheels (there are with more wheels, also). Wheight and length lmitations maybe are different, i remember that freighliner long tractor should use a shorter semitrailer in spain. Typical truck here is like
this 7.2-8.7 mpg diesel.
MB has a record with an aActros Truck of 12 mpg (19.44 L/100km@80km/h)
El Mercedes Actros logra un consumo de 20 litros a los 100 km
I don't know how much DIY aeromods or thermal improvements could be done on European Trucks without any law or regulation infringement (length, body tuning, rear end mega vacuum cleaner anti aerodynamic, ...), we have High speed trains operating from 300 to 350 km/h with cd=0.32, bigger improvements will need some law changes and homologations (European comission is working on it, but step by step
