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Old 10-18-2011, 02:11 AM   #541 (permalink)
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Almost meeting people the hard way who do not understand intersections!

Yesterday while riding my motorcycle SLOWLY wearing my bright green vest on a perfect sunny day, I approached a 3 way intersection (no road to my right).
The other 2 roads have stopsigns. Mine doesn't which is somewhat confusing.
I approached, put my turn signal on for a left turn, and was starting to make the turn when 2 women in a Suburban started to pull out from the oncoming road/stopsign right at me!! Thankfully I was crawling, and she found her brake pedal!
I had'nt turned even 10 degrees at this point. I held my left hand glove in an underhand lift way saying "What in the world are you doing"?
The signal I got back was "I stopped at the stopsign. What do you want"?

On her road posted under the stopsign is white sign/black letters that state the the oncoming traffic DOES NOT STOP!

I can't believe because of the time of day, that these were strangers or first time visitors to that intersection.

I think they were gabbing so much that they didn't perceive how already close I was, thinking they had a big enough lead, for me turn after them.

Elimination of their stopsign would only make things worse as their approach is last minute (second) blind rise up to there, and just beyound their crossing straight through the intersection is a grade school to the right.

Speeds here need to be slow. The oncoming sign is obviously there because of past problems.

I think it would be safer w 3 stopsigns, though my mpg. does want that, and a stoplight would be safer yet, but money probably wouldn't filter in that direction until someone gets killed.

Even the 3 way stop idea is rough because most of the traffic comes from the direction I came from, tempting the before mentioned oncoming traffic to try to race out jumping a gap when their patience runs out.

It just seems like a no win situation for ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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